Dear Family and Friends,
Howdy! We have been home almost 3 weeks today! We feel so blessed to be able to be home, to be with the brethren, to see their needs, to hear of their challenges and triumphs while gone. There is much to do...because of the earthquakes, churches are full of people, hurting and wanting some comfort and reassurance. We started with fixing up our house--the kids and Becky spent a week in Cebu, while I checked on things there and made sure the house was safe for all of us to stay in. We still have some minor repairs, that we are slowly working on while trying to get our place ready to help the Ayungnon Church host the Summer Meeting over Easter weekend. We have come up with a name for our place, " R & B Green Haven Retreat". We are expecting around 400 campers for the weekend. The theme is "Unity in the Body of Christ". Richard will be one of the speakers.
Last weekend, the MOSES classes where hosted by the Matauta Church of Christ. They had about 50 attend the classes, which were on "How to Study the Bible", and they had door to door evangelism. They had one baptism from the classes. They also spent time visiting church members, who haven't been coming. Their building was badly damaged by the earthquake. The MOSES classes were held under a tarp at the elementary school. The attached video is about last weekend. The Matauta church will be one of the churches that we are able to help them rebuild their building. We are so thankful for all the generous funds that have come in to help with the earthquake relief in Negros. We have already been able to assist several members with funds to repair their homes. We are working on buying cement, GI sheets, and procuring woods. We will use our dump truck to carry materials to remote places that need help. We will even buy a chainsaw to help members be able to cut down trees to use for rebuilding- finding the woods is the hardest part. I am in the process of hiring a team of carpenters to help. We will get started after Easter weekend and the Summer Meeting. Again, we are so thankful for all the help coming from our supporting churches--we are going to be able to help so many. The work is overwhelming, the needs are so great. It hurts to see so many brethren hurting and helpless--and yet it is so comforting and encouraging to know that because of your love and support, we, the MOSES team, and the Seyer guys will be able to be the hands of Christ- to love and comfort, and help ease burdens. The body here and abroad, is working together to help each other--may God be glorified much thru all our efforts. Please pray for healing and comfort to come to the Christians here...please pray for the success of the Summer Meeting--that it will help meet many of those needs. We love you all, and appreciate your sacrifices to help us help others!
In Him,
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